Our Team is Ready to Help You Today
Canadian Financial
613-869-7808Founder & CEO
Patrick Labreche
613-869-7808Business Development Manager
Brian Troy
780-838-9478Finance Specialist/Business Development Manager
Chris Hicks
236-999-7926Loan Officer
Dave Robinson
236-668-8662Junior Loan Officer
Dennis Eng
778-846-5559Junior Loan Officer
Gary Rana
519-721-7171Loan Officer
Jordan Harris
416-577-4370Senior Loan Officer
Megan Gilbertson
Denis Brunet
204-228-1994Loan Officer
Rebecca Happy
613-875-4555Loan Officer
Alika Martin
613-292-9188Loan Officer
Alejandra Nieto
778-697-1085Loan Officer
Harman Kainth
647-472-5492Director of Strategic Growth and Partnerships
Marie Boivin
613-853-4019Sales Leader
John Thompson
780-914-4735Senior Loan Officer
Amanda Schab
613-323-4731Junior Loan Officer
Dorothee Haut
780-446-6285Loan Officer
Levi Ajodha
647-444-3100Loan Officer
Nathalie Botelho
613-601-1516Business Development Manager
Drew Yahn
306-317-0444Financial Specialist
Tanya Cameron
873-353-2692Loan Officer
Jonce Krcmar
647-588-1005Loan Officer
Brad Plummer
613-878-9377Loan Officer
Andre Houle
780-887-6847Loan Officer
Tanya Rogalczyk
406-506-3106Loan Officer
Bob Rees
780-975-9747Loan Officer
Tomo Brank
647-877-9449Loan Officer
Shane Laderoute
604-353-1064Loan Officer
Colleen Tatum
780-880-0757Loan Officer
Michaella Bassey
514-216-6527Loan Officer
Carolina Crewe
416-356-4586Loan Officer
Michael Braga
226-347-5232Loan Officer
Jaspreet Sidhu
204-997-0974Loan Officer
Anthony Kalliris
604-908-4597Loan Officer
Nick Macdonell
705-627-3911Loan Officer
Jagtaran Singh Sidhu
204-890-4333Loan Officer
Marie Celestin
514-574-4116Loan Officer
Ken Taylor
226-989-7020Loan Officer
Aaron Romanowitch
905-730-5464Canadian Financial offers access to traditional & alternative lending options plus access to dealer programs, insurance programs and leading edge financial technology options. With access to over 25 programs and 230 lenders, Canadian Financial is here to help.